Microcode, the final frontier

While the title of this writing is somewhat reminiscent of the one used in the initial presentation Space Opera Star Trek, I must say that I am not writing about science fiction.

To get started, I think I can say that computer security is a big headache. It is a battle that is currently waged on different fronts, all with greater or lesser vulnerability, and we can be sure that all these fronts have a back door waiting to be found and exploited.


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Tronxy X1: A 3D printer for less than $140 (Part 1)

Just a few weeks ago, while looking several chinese websites for electronic parts, in some of them I noticed several offers of different models of 3D printers for less than $200. Generally, I always ignored these offers, since, although I wanted to have in my hands one of these, the cost still seemed excessive for something that I would only use, maybe, from time to time, in addition, many of these 3D printers are very big, and my house is not exactly big. But between all of them, one of these could spark my interest by price and size. A small 3D printer, more or less portable, and for less than $140 ($139.90 to be exact). And after a few days of thinking about it (and looking well at my budget) I made the decision to acquire one. This decision was made knowing that I was going to acquire a chinese product, perhaps of dubious quality, and assemble it by myself with all the good and bad details associated with it.

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